Eveline Algoet

It goes without saying that our team is quite diverse. In addition to the multicultural aspect, the ASP team consists of 4 different generations, from baby boomers to generation z.

It is easy to understand that Zers and baby boomers don’t always work the same way. At ASP, all generations work together as smoothly as possible. Our employees appreciate each other for their talents and strengths. The big advantage of a workplace with 4 generations of employees is the variety of interests, knowledge, and experience. We believe it is important to create a work environment in which everyone wants to work together and to maximize the potential of each employee. Having one common goal that everyone can support and where individuals and teams organize themselves around, helps to achieve this harmony.

This way of working requires freedom and flexibility on all fronts. Our management supports the employee in this. When or where someone works is not that important, what counts is the contribution and open communication. Nowadays, success is measured based on the jointly booked result. We notice that there is an evolution throughout the generations where the employees feeling that they “must work” evolves to the belief that they ‘want to work’.

Diversity is what makes our team, a strong team!

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